Friday, October 9, 2009


Just a quick update to show my photos with Penn and Teller. On monday night I got to see their live show and was picked out of the audience to participate in a trick. This is how it goes. They passed a joke book around the audience and when it got to me they asked whoever was holding it to come up on stage. It was pretty surreal being up there in front of hundreds of people. There was an envelope up on stage that was sealed and signed by most people in the audience before the show. Penn asked me my name and told me to take a seat in the middle of the stage. He then told me to find a page in the joke book that had 4 or 5 jokes on it and to pick one of those jokes. I then had to read the joke, minus the punchline. While I was reading the joke, they cut open the envelope behind me and pulled out a long peice of paper with some writing on it. The joke goes like this "A jogger comes upon a man sitting on a bench with a dog. He asks the man if his dog bites. The man replies 'no'. The jogger leans down to pat the dog and gets his arm nearly bitten off. He says 'I thought you said your dog didn't bite', the man replies......". By this time they had held up the piece of paper behind me and the audience at read the punchline "that's not my dog". It was a pretty awesome trick and if anyone thinks they know how it was done let me know because I'm stumped.